Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 8: the Camino de Portuguese!

The waterfront walk took me on the Camino! 

I met some interesting people that day. I love how Latin people will just stop what they are doing (eg their jobs) and spend like a half an hour chatting you up. They really value interpersonal relationship. It is probably also the other side of the coin being accused by Northern European types of being lazy etc.

The biggest challenge I have had in Portugal is the language. Portuguese and Spanish are very similar. However Portuguese will tell you that they can understand Spanish whereas the Spanish can't understand the Portuguese.  I spent my first day in Portugal wondering why Spain couldn't have conquered Portugal and consequently made my life a lot easier today.  i can't understand Portuguese.  I also came up with a new theory why the Argentine's have this "che" and "shhh" accent. It is because they have been hanging with the Brazilians just to the north and picked up the Portuguese accents.

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